We support the communities where we live, work and conduct business.
For more than a decade, we have supported the communities in which we do business. Accordingly, we set goals that focus on reducing our environmental impact and uplifting the community. We strive to protect the safety of our people, the planet, and our performance through sustainable business practices. Discover how our sustainability plan makes Ferguson Industrial an organization you can be proud to partner with.
We believe in the fundamentals of integrity, driving results for our business and customers, and valuing people at every level of our organization. Furthermore, believe transparency is a critical factor to maintain our reputation as a leader in the industrial supply market. To demonstrate, our annual reports are available online as a free download. This is because we aim to provide our customers and business partners alike with an accurate and transparent view of our performance.
Learn more about our sustainability program.

We believe our people are our greatest asset. That is why we make it a priority to protect the people we serve through both quality products and services. Furthermore, we commit to doing good in the communities where we live and work. Specifically, we focus on programs involving hunger, housing, disaster relief, clean water and sanitation, and the skilled trades. In particular, we partner nationally with SkillsUSA and the mikeroweWORKS Foundation to ensure America has a skilled workforce. We also support Homes for Our Troops, whose mission is to help build mortgage-free, specially-adapted homes for post-9/11 Veterans who were severely injured in the line of duty.

When it comes to the planet, our associates go above and beyond to comply with environmental standards. This means not only meeting all relevant environmental regulations but also preventing and minimizing pollution. In an effort to ensure continuous improvement, each operating company is monitored against the group targets. Furthermore, it reports against those targets regarding carbon and waste.
Our targets for sustainable development that we are working to achieve by July 2024 include:
- Reducing our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 35% per million USD of revenue by 2026 (against a 2019/2020 baseline).
- Managing our Scope 3 emissions through supplier engagement, acknowledging that the outcome is not within our control.
- Helping our customers meet their own carbon reduction goals by offering sustainable products.
We believe our associates have a role in making our organization a sustainable company and our collective action will make a difference.

We focus on industrial sustainability in our everyday operations. As a result, our continual performance will progress our sustainability goals.
With this purpose in mind, here are additional steps we take to reduce our environmental impact:
- Incorporating hybrid vehicles in our owned fleet vehicles.
- Offering financial incentives to sales associates receiving car allowances when they select more fuel-efficient vehicles.
- Using “on-demand” packaging to ensure that packages are the right size rather than shipping empty space.
- Creating an invoice preview tool to reduce the amount of printing at our physical locations.
- Encouraging associates to utilize teleconference meeting technology, rather than flying or driving to meetings.
- Reducing waste and encouraging recycling wherever possible.
Our waste and carbon data is audited annually by a third party to ensure accuracy and our 2018 data was assured by PwC.
For more information about our sustainability plan, email our sustainability team at sustainability.team@ferguson.com.